Information Collected By Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd

Personal Information from owners

From owners, information such as name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, account details, contact information and confidential business information. The personal information collected from owners is used for the following:

  • Providing assistance arranging meetings and conferences;
  • Maintaining account records.
  • Providing contact details to members of the public.
  • Personal information from the community.

From the community, information such as names, contact details and email addresses of members of the public who contact Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd with request for information or feedback. The personal information collected from the community is used for the following:

To respond to those requests:

To fulfill orders placed with Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd by any means To provide promotional offers, loyalty programs, newsletters and marketing information to members of the public personal information from other third parties such as agents, suppliers and contractors who provide services to Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd. The personal information collected from other third parties is used to communicate and correspond with such persons or organizations.

Use and disclosure of information:

Use and disclose personal information about you that is required in the provision of information about or the promotion or delivery of our products or services, administration of Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd business, business analysis, or to meet any legal obligation imposed on Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd (Primary Purpose).

Use de-identified information for any statistical or other analysis or similar research purposes. We may publish or provide this statistical data to other parties.

We may use personal information collected from you for the purpose of providing you with direct marketing material and information upon your registering your details with us. However if you wish to cease receiving any such information you may let us know either by email or by mail and your request will be looked into within 5 working days.

Personal information may be disclosed to agents, suppliers or external contractors, but only to enable us to provide services to you. Such contractors will be required to adopt and adhere to our Privacy Policy.

Consistent with National Privacy Principle Raiver Infotech Pvt Ltd will only use or disclose personal information about an individual for a Primary Purpose or a purpose other than the Primary Purpose of collection (a Secondary Purpose) if:

The Secondary Purpose is related to the Primary Purpose of collection and you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the personal information for the Secondary Purpose.

  • You have consented to the use or disclosure.
  • The use or disclosure is permitted or required under the law.

We reasonably believe on health or public safety grounds that the information should be used for another purpose or is otherwise permitted under the National Privacy Principles.